Inghesuire dentara muscatura adanca

inghesuire dentara muscatura adanca

Pacient adult cu inghesuire grava in arcada superioara si inferioara, ocluzie adanca, incisivii superiori cu margini fracturate. Plan de tratament: tratament ortodontic fix bimaxilar, stripping arcada superioara si inferioara pentru creerea spatiului pentru aliniere. Durata tratamentului 1 an si 3 luni.

frontal view before fixed orthodontic treatment-crowded teeth, deep bite, traumatic fracture of the incisors edge
frontal view after fixed orthodontic treatment, aesthetic reconstruction of the incisors edge-crowded teeth, deep bite, traumatic fracture of the incisors edge

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frontal view before fixed orthodontic treatment-crowded teeth, deep bite, traumatic fracture of the incisors edge frontal view after fixed orthodontic treatment, aesthetic reconstruction of the incisors edge-crowded teeth, deep bite, traumatic fracture of the incisors edge
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